Friday, 7 October 2016

Kevin Calisher - Tips For Designing an ASC

During his time at Calisher & Associates, Inc., Kevin Calisher has been responsible for the design and development of a number of medical facilities, including ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs). This is a very involved process and there are a lot of things that can go wrong if you take your eyes of the ball. The following are useful pointers for those who want to design the best ASCs possible.

Listen To Clinical Staff
Your clinical staff are the ones who are going to spend the most amount of time in the ASC so it is crucial that you listen to what they have to say. Talk to them about their workflows, how they interact with patients and what the ASC needs to have to make them more efficient. If you fail to include your clinical staff you may find you end up with a design that doesn’t suit their needs.

Create Multiple Designs
You may have a favored design in mind, but committing to one idea without considering others could lead to you failing to see potential improvements. Create multiple designs and discuss them with all involved in the project. While there may be a clear favorite, you will likely find that some aspects of other designs can be incorporated into the chosen one to create a more cohesive whole.

Consider Future Expansion
Future growth should be considered at all times, so the design you follow needs to be scalable as and when needed. This may involve building new facilities or taking them from the businesses next door as and when the time arises.

Kevin Calisher has overseen the development of numerous ASCs.